Tourism Nova Scotia

Project Description

Through a very extensive discovery period, the team at Tourism Nova Scotia (TNS) tasked the Tribal team to redesign the website. The existing site was antiquated, not very mobile friendly and missing many of the features consumers who were travelling & trip planning needed.

Our strategy for the redesign was to build mobile first - taking patterns and behaviours from other tourism and trip planning websites. Through our discovery interviews with consumers, we learned that many didn't have a grasp on the size and scale of the province - many would plan a trip for only a couple days assuming that key "must see" destinations were only an hour or two away when in fact they were 6-7 hours away thus missing out on elements of the trip. Our goal was to show travellers a more realistic picture of the province, discover many "hidden gems" and encourage them to stay longer than 2-3 days that many said they'd be visiting for.

The new website was designed over 22 design sprints with a team of 4 designers, researchers and writers alongside our internal development team. The site was designed based on components and a digital pattern library was developed for the client to utilize as they created new content for the site.

Project Details
